Reveration Blog
9/5/2024 1 Comment Too Much Pain
1 Comment
6/23/2024 2 Comments Bad Company
3/10/2024 3 Comments Are You Prepared?
12/7/2023 0 Comments Resistance
7/3/2023 1 Comment "The Sparkle Creed"
6/12/2023 2 Comments Ordained Klaus Schwab, a German engineer, founded the World Economic Forum (WEF) on January 24, 1971.[1] About 1000 companies fund this international non-governmental lobbying organization. They are somewhat famous for their annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Switzerland. It is a dangerous organization committed to an ideology that the globalized world should be managed by a “self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations (CSOs)” through initiatives like the “Great Reset” or the “Global Redesign.” They are not transparent with their finances. Nor are they shy about advocating pandemic lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and a strong collectivist ideology that scorns individual sovereignty and advocates eliminating many citizen rights to enforce their enlightened views.[2] Schwab and his cronies are openly hostile towards Christianity and are not shy about espousing a utopian, depopulated earth where they rule and control in godlike fashion.[3] 12/16/2022 0 Comments Grief
10/3/2022 1 Comment When the Sea Rages
5/7/2022 0 Comments Buried Like a Donkey
7/18/2021 0 Comments Moving Past Crisis
3/31/2020 0 Comments Numbers
1/29/2020 0 Comments Civil Disobedience
5/8/2019 0 Comments Overcomers!
11/27/2018 0 Comments Bypassing TroubleMeditation
Luke 9:51-56--When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He determinedto journey to Jerusalem. He sent messengers ahead of Him, and on the way they entered a village of the Samaritans to make preparations for Him. But they did not welcome Him, because He determined to journey to Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?” But He turned and rebuked them, and they went to another village. Since 2014, what consistently is the third most terrorized country in the world? To find your answer you would want to look up the Global Terrorism Index (GTI). This is produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) based on data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD). This data is collated by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) led by the University of Maryland. As late as 2017, because of persistent Boko Haram and Fulani militant attacks, Nigeria ranks as the third-most terrorized nation. Only Iraq and Afghanistan rank higher in carnage.[1]
5/11/2018 0 Comments DisasterJess and Jen moved into Rarebucks, a town of 79,000, so Jen could pursue schooling and Jess could work for United Parcel Service (UPS). They didn’t have a lot of money but they did have the faith that God had called them to live there and that He would provide. Sure enough, a favorite uncle gifted Jen with $50,000 and they were able to afford a 20% down payment on a home. Though they were seven hours from both sets of parents, they were happy to put down roots and start a family.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles