First Cause Training RequestIf you would like a First Cause training team to come to your location please fill out the contact form and let us know in the Message portion what dates you are requesting.
We offer the following leadership training seminars: I. The Strong Leader's Hand (Vision, Teamwork, Character, Attitude, Conduct and Wisdom) 2.The Weak Leader's Fist 3.Clifton Strengths Coaching (3-5 hours per person for individual coaching) We will tailor seminars to meet your specific needs if you provide us enough lead time for preparation. |
Individual Coaching cost for Clifton Strengths is $600 (U.S.) for a full 34 strengths assessment. This is an absolute must for leaders who want to be self-aware. Go to https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com and click on the $49.00 CliftonStrengths 34 to purchase the assessment.
Seminar costs for The Strong Leader's Hand or tailored seminars costs are negotiable. We ask that you cover our travel and lodging expenses in addition to seminar fee.
Seminar costs for The Strong Leader's Hand or tailored seminars costs are negotiable. We ask that you cover our travel and lodging expenses in addition to seminar fee.