Reveration Blog
![]() It will go down in history as perhaps mankind’s most bizarre year. Never has the entire globe in unison shut down because of a virus. Restrictions in travel, work, recreation, size of gatherings etc., have ruined businesses, increased the number of suicides and deaths for those with other ailments who cannot be hospitalized, amped fear to unprecedented levels, and created a huge divide in opinion over what should or should not be done. Meanwhile political unrest, rolling waves of violence, storms and disasters add to the cacophony of 2020.
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5/21/2020 0 Comments Praying in Jesus' Name
4/2/2019 0 Comments Living an Honorable Life![]() The Denver West Point Society hosted its first Leadership and Ethics Conference for high school juniors in Colorado. It was entitled “Living an Honorable Life.” General (ret) George Casey served as the keynote speaker. I had the privilege of hosting at my table six juniors—Amaya, Grace, Elias, Sandra, Caleb and Haley representing three different high schools and towns. We studied vignettes that featured moral/ethical dilemmas with the students working through ethical decision-making models to reach wise solutions. 2/17/2012 JennyJenny wears a smile as pure as mountain spring water. She does not understand the girls sarcastically mocking her bowl-cut hairstyle because for her there is no sarcasm. But she does know pain. When the teams are picked for kick ball, she wonders why they don’t want her to play. When she drops her tray of food at lunch and they laugh and point their fingers her spirit droops. When the 4th grade bully rubs mud on her new jacket and calls her “stupid” it takes a small box of tissues to dry her tears. Yet, when he breaks his hand playing football, she will be the one who brings him flowers from her mother’s garden.
5/11/1999 PromisesDavid Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the Switchblade, and pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, every year sends out a calendar to his newsletter recipients with a promise from God’s word for each day. It is an inspired habit that is meant to encourage his readership with the reality that God has given us promises we can rely upon to help us through life.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles