Reveration Blog
10/24/2021 0 Comments Individualism
10/10/2020 0 Comments What is Worship?Meditation Jonah 1:8,9--Then they said to him, “Tell us who is to blame for this trouble we’re in. What is your business and where are you from? What is your country and what people are you from?” He answered them, “I’m a Hebrew. I worship Yahweh, the God of the heavens, who made the sea and the dry land.” 7/28/2018 0 Comments Be Like DanielMeditation
Daniel 1:17—God gave these four young men knowledge and understanding in every kind of literature and wisdom. Daniel also understood visions and dreams of every kind. Daniel, probably in part because of my given name, has always been my hero. In studying his Old Testament prophetic book that contains his story, there are at least five superb applications that ought to inspire us to be like him. 8/24/2007 Spiritual GiftsI’ve always thought it amazing how our society glorifies the quarterback but completely misses the water boy. The hero has no heroics without a supporting cast. If a team achieves victory it is the result of teamwork. In this context we should understand the value, function and place of spiritual gifts.
6/21/2007 0 Comments SelectionThe fate of every business hangs upon the quality of the employees hired. The fate of the world rests upon the quality of Jesus’ disciples engaged in obeying the Great Commission. Therefore, selection is an extremely important concept in the formation of teams and in accomplishing God’s will! I’d like to share with you seven principles that my Dad, Ron York, utilizes as a result of over fifty years of ministry experience. I believe you will find them to be very encouraging and helpful.
11/1/1999 0 Comments Symphony OrchestraIn 1798 the U.S. Marine Band was born. Its primary mission is to provide music for the President of the United States and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. President John Adams gave the band its charter but Thomas Jefferson coined its lasting title, “The President’s Own”. Marine Band musicians appear at the White House more than 200 times annually. Their music thrills the ear and uplifts the heart.
8/24/1999 0 Comments DiligentThe Kahiltna glacier feeds the broad Kahiltna River that in turn is joined by the clear running water of Peter’s Creek. Where the fast-moving milky river and the rippling creek meet is a place where thousands of Silver Salmon leave their river highway from the Pacific Ocean to return home and spawn. On the northwest side of the watery marriage high above in a birch tree is an eagle’ nest. Eaglet’s cries pierce the valley as they screech for food.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles