Reveration Blog
1/28/2025 0 Comments Shooting from the Shadows
7/15/2024 3 Comments Assassination Attempt
2/6/2024 1 Comment You Must Be Quiet
3/31/2023 1 Comment The Power of Care
10/10/2022 0 Comments Trees and Fungi
4/13/2022 1 Comment Protecting Boundaries
7/7/2021 0 Comments God's Gracious Hand
1/14/2021 0 Comments Spiritual Warfare![]() The first evidence of physical battle dates sometime between 4000 and 3500 B.C. from the ancient city of Hamoukar located in modern northeastern Syria. Historians believe the Uruks of southern Mesopotamia invaded the region.[1]Battles around the world have been fought for a long time and their spreading evil caused God regret for even creating man (Genesis 6:6). 5/15/2020 0 Comments These Are Your Promises
3/16/2020 2 Comments Corona Virus![]() The numbers worldwide continue to rise: 181,377 cases, 7119 deaths, 78,085 recoveries.[1] Worldwide reactions are dramatic: airline flights cancelled, large numbers of quarantined populations, countries with closed borders, bans on gatherings over 250 people, schools closed, colleges reverting to online classes, sports leagues cancelled, plummeting stock markets etc. Behold a pandemic! The cause of this chaos is a virus named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes is called “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”). 7/30/2019 3 Comments Struck By Lightning![]() Did you know that eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and Lake Maracaibo in northwestern Venezuela have the most lightning in the world?[1] Did you know that in the United States26 people died from lightning strikes in 2015 and that Florida by far is the state most often hit?[2] Incredibly in July and August (the most active months), Colorado averages 5,350 and 4,811 flashes per day with most of them occurring in the Colorado Springs-Denver area.[3] Why you wonder is this important? 12/30/2015 0 Comments Psalm 91 for ProtectionPeggy Joyce Ruth and Angela Ruth Schum wrote stimulating stories to complement their verse by verse analysis of Psalm 91 in their book Psalm 91 God’s Shield of Protection. They also compiled a stirring collection of stories from people who experienced, first-hand God’s protection as a result of claiming passages in Psalm 91—by faith.
3/29/2014 0 Comments Saved From a FallFlattop (3,510 feet) is Alaska’s most frequently climbed mountain. Located just 13 miles from downtown Anchorage in Chugach State Park, the views from its summit are stunning. I was in Anchorage to meet with participants in an emergency exercise timed to coincide with the 50thyear anniversary of the 9.2 earthquake that hit Anchorage. After our meetings I left with the two officers who accompanied me to take pictures at a park site near the airport. While there we met Kendra, a local resident, who told us Flattop was the place to go to get the best views of the area. We assumed we were going to arrive at a place where we could take photos from our car so you can imagine our surprise when she led us from the parking lot to Glen Alps trailhead to walk 1.5 miles and climb 1280 feet![1] This would have been okay except that the trail was mostly mud and snow and near the top very icy and steep.
1/20/2014 0 Comments NanawataiNavy Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell was the sole survivor of a US Navy SEAL team ambushed by Taliban fighters. Severely wounded, Luttrell somehow managed through great courage to evade an enemy zealous to kill him. Fortunately, members of the Afghan Sabray tribe found him and whisked him into their village. Despite incredible danger, the tribal chief protected him, fending off Taliban attacks until word reached nearby American forces who then came and rescued him.[1]
8/31/2013 0 Comments GrokGrok is a little used verb that means: “to understand thoroughly and intuitively”; or “to communicate sympathetically.” The word was invented by Robert A. Heinlein in the science-fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land written in 1961.[1]
The author of Psalm 91 groked God’s protective nature towards His children. 6/3/2012 0 Comments Cheyenne DisasterMeditation
Romans 13:14—But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires. 9/24/2011 0 Comments ProtectorMeditation
Psalm 121—I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber . . . The LORD protects you; the LORD is a shelter right by your side . . . The LORD will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life. The LORD will protect your coming and going both now and forever. |
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles