Reveration Blog
10/11/2021 0 Comments Triangulation
7/18/2009 0 Comments IntimacyWhy do followers of God go through the motions of Christianity shallowly in love with their Father? What does it mean and look like to have an intimate walk with Jesus? Spiritual Intimacy can be defined as a growing I can’t live without You relationship with God that is our first cause, our abiding joy and our natural expression.
7/7/2008 0 Comments Branches of the VineMeditation
John 15:5-I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me. 7/6/2007 0 Comments FellowshipUntil she passed away, I loved to meet with Lillian for prayer. She lived in a retirement community called King City. Each of the houses were separated by brick walls and the only way to enter a home was through the garage or a gate in the front. Whoever designed her neighborhood obviously valued privacy and security. There was little sense of community. No wonder lonely Lillian so much looked forward to meeting.
9/8/2003 0 Comments ObservantIn the early fall of 1976, homesick Panya Sawan walked the streets of Newberg, Oregon. While his feet moved his mind questioned if he made a big mistake. Yet, as much as he missed his family, the thought of returning to his Thailand home was equally painful. Would his family consider him a failure?
5/8/2003 ReligionWhen I typed in the word religion on Google's search engine, it gave 1,570,000,000listings. Assuming that 15% of those were repeat entries, if I were to spend just five seconds visiting each site with no break, it would take 13,083,000 days (over 35,000 years) just to visit them all! Sometimes I wonder if people have the same sense when they approach this subject. Everyone has an opinion about religion—but who is right?
11/2/2001 0 Comments FriendsTucked away in a remote part of America, Durino, Jack, Pat, Larry, Johnny and George meet six mornings a week at the Silver Spoon. For years they met at The Hook Shop until tight financial times forced its owner to close. Their appreciation for each other is built on a daily investment of time they wouldn’t think of forsaking. Over coffee they sit and poke fun at each other and trade the latest news. In rural Kellogg, Idaho, a healthy habit most of urban America has lost flourishes.
10/17/2001 0 Comments Vocation“Strength as One” is a great class motto. Attending my 20th West Point reunion was a fresh reminder of a unique gathering of unpretentious classmates who are a joy to be around and a blessing in so many ways. By measured statistics, the class of ’81 is special both in service to our country and in generosity. I found myself again humbled that God would allow me, a scrawny missionary kid from the Philippines, the privilege of spending four years of my life with such outstanding people.
10/28/1999 0 Comments PlansThey built a dream-house overlooking the Columbia River. Their blueprint was excellent, their planning they thought complete. Unfortunately, they misunderstood and therefore violated the zoning regulations Skamania county officials insisted be kept. Their structure was too prominent in its profile, marring the scenic Columbia gorge in its natural beauty. Their unfinished home must be moved!
11/11/1998 0 Comments WeaknessShe was the most powerful person in our church yet by far the frailest. She relied on me to replace her empty oxygen tank with a new container. She was too weak to turn the metal knob that released precious air. Her decaying lungs made the very act of breathing an ordeal. Yet despite her anxiety in dying she could flash a smile that packed the power of a heavyweight boxer.
2/2/1998 0 Comments FriendshipWhile standing in the immigration line in Narita airport—Tokyo, Japan after a long flight from San Francisco, I heard my name called by a voice from the past. There ahead of me was my best friend from college and five years in the army—Dave Mead. Wow! What are the odds of a guy from Oregon running into his friend from New York in one of the largest airports in the world?
11/15/1997 0 Comments ComradeshipMeditation
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10--Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. |
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles