Reveration Blog
1/16/2023 0 Comments No Choice in the Matter
8/3/2022 0 Comments Vines and Thorns
10/1/2021 0 Comments Not By Strength
4/10/2019 1 Comment ConfirmationMy good friend Dan moved from Tigard to Albany Oregon to work with Dana, another mutual friend. Unfortunately, Dana’s business experienced a downturn and he had to let Dan go. In 2012 Dan felt led to stay in Albany and serve as an Associate Pastor in a Calvary Chapel. 1/5/2019 0 Comments How Sensible Are You?Lisa was quite frustrated with Jacov. He and his wife were not in agreement when it came to living sensibly. She wisely stewarded resources while he grew up living lavishly. Their arguments over finances and possessions put significant strain on their marriage. His lack of preparation and impatience often caused them unnecessary challenges. Finally, in desperation to bring peace, Jacov found a marriage counselor that he and Lisa could go to for help. To their surprise, the counselor actually made their sessions pleasant and more importantly, he equipped them with ten guidelines to help them live sensibly. He encouraged them that if they both observed these recommendations they should have less friction and fighting in their marriage 2/1/2015 Worst Economic Advice?Meditation
Matthew 6:33—But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. I would imagine if you quoted Jesus’ advice above to a secular financial advisor he might laugh you out of his office after you explained that “all these things” referred to food, drink and clothing (6:25,31). “Are you crazy! Don’t put your trust in some ancient religious leader. After all, God helps those who help themselves. If you want to live the good life and be secure, you better make lots of money.” 2/18/2013 Write Your WillWhile I was in college my uncle had a massive heart attack and died. His death was far more tragic then necessary. Norm was a very wealthy man. Because he failed to write a will, when his heart collapsed, he left his wife and two daughters with no plan and protection. Because he did not train his sons-in-law how to run his business, they badly floundered. Soon a shyster appeared and proceeded to horrifically swindle my aunt and her family. Later, one of the sons-in-law died. He failed to write a will. The financial and emotional suffering caused by two men unwilling to prepare for death extends to this day.
7/7/2006 0 Comments UnbeliefMeditation
Acts 2:12,13--They were all astounded and perplexed, saying to one another, “What could this be?” But some sneered and said, “They’re full of new wine!” 12/31/2005 SymbolismAnticipation runs high. New Year's Eve at the symbolic center of New York City has become more than just a celebration - it's a global tradition. The world holds its breath...and cheers as the clocks strike twelve. As the famous New Year's Eve Ball descends from the flagpole atop One Times Square, 750,000 people in Times Square, millions nationwide and over a billion watching throughout the world are united in bidding a collective farewell to the departing year, and expressing our joy and hope for the year ahead.[1]
6/17/2002 0 Comments GenerousFelipe dresses up as a clown. Each Sunday he and his team of fellow youth workers from Iglesia Misionera Evangelica (I.M.E.), go to the poorest sections of Cerro de Pasco to minister to the children. As many as 40-60 kids come out to watch the antics of Bomba the clown, to sing and dance to Christian music and hear Bible stories. Wonderful boys and girls glow with expectant smiles. Their lungs produce hearty cheers and sweet melodies. They held on to us with forever-loving grips. In truth, they ministered to our team more than we did to them.
9/14/1998 0 Comments MoneyThere are few things which reveal a person’s heart so well as money. Consider the rich young man Jesus met (Matthew 19:16-22). He honesty wondered what good thing he must do to gain life without end. He had been faithful to keep God’s commandments. Jesus said, ““If you want to be perfect,”Jesus said to him, “go, sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me” (vs. 21). Faced with the prospect of relinquishing his wealth, the rich man sadly departed.
11/27/1997 0 Comments Junior Holy SpiritsMeditation
Romans 14:10-12--But you, why do you criticize your brother? Or you, why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the tribunal of God. For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God. So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. 4/20/1997 0 Comments EconomyMeditation
Malachi 3:10—“Bring the full tenth into the storehouse so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this way,” says the Lord of Hosts. “See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure.” |
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles