Reveration Blog
2/17/2024 1 Comment How Does a Little Child . . . ?
1 Comment
4/23/2023 1 Comment Because of His Majesty
11/7/2022 1 Comment Salvation with Fear and TremblingSalvation is a free gift received by a heart that recognizes sin, takes responsibility for it through confession and repentance, and then places one’s faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, that He is Lord and the only One capable of sacrificing His life to pay the debt of sin, forgiving transgressions so that all who place their faith in Him might experience eternal life with Him. 3/6/2022 0 Comments Busted
9/30/2020 0 Comments The Return
7/3/2020 1 Comment Sharing Hope
12/24/2019 1 Comment Johnny's Christmas
4/19/2019 1 Comment Confession LiturgyMeditation Psalm 85:15--But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth 3/26/2019 0 Comments FrustrationHave you ever been frustrated by something that should work and doesn’t? For the last several months I’ve had a rotten time trying to charge my phone. I purchased several charging cords but the connection always seemed to be an issue to the point where many times I would have to hold the phone and firmly push the cord to get a steady charge. I was just about to take the phone into the store and replace it when I had an idea. Taking a pin I probed the cavity where the cord connected and immediately all kinds of dirt and matted hair began to come loose. Honestly, I felt pretty foolish—no wonder the phone was not properly charging—it was plugged up with debris. 12/1/2018 0 Comments Apology AcceptedMary was in the process of leaving physical therapy in her car in a parking lot. She looked to her right and saw nothing but didn’t look to her left. As she began to pull out the oncoming driver laid on the horn letting Mary know her displeasure. Mary quickly realized her mistake and put up her arms to acknowledge her error and rolling down her window told the other driver, “I’m sorry.” Later as Mary was pulling into a fast-food restaurant she noticed the woman she had almost cut off was in line in front of her. When it came time for Mary to drive up to the window and pay for her food the attendant said the woman in front had paid for her meal! Jim Downing wrote in his book, The Other Side of Infamy, an amazing account of forgiveness. This 104 year-old survivor of Pearl Harbor shared how in 1953 he met Mitsuo Fuchida, the Japanese commander who led the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and, who after the war, became a Christian. It was exceedingly hard for Jim to forgive Fuchida after losing so many shipmates. But he forgave him because it was the right thing to do.
Meditation Matthew 6:12—And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 5/21/2017 0 Comments More WillpowerMeditation
2 John 6—And this is love: that we walk according to His commands. This is the command as you have heard it from the beginning: you must walk in love. The first Biblical reference to love God is recorded in Exodus 20:6. Moses teaches the Israelites to keep God’s commands and thereby demonstrate their love for Him. So, when John defines love in his letter to his readers, he is not sharing with them a new concept. But, as we all know, it is hard to walk in love with God. How do we strengthen willpower to be better God-lovers and, in the process, improve loving others and ourselves? 9/17/2010 0 Comments ExplanationWhen I was in Junior High School, Billy Graham came to Seoul, Korea. I was able to sit on a platform not far from where the speakers stood and take pictures. At the time (early 1970’s), it was the largest Billy Graham Crusade ever. Looking behind the platform there on Yoido Island there was an immense sea of people. Dr. Graham explained to this spiritually hungry audience the meaning of the gospel. He quoted John 3:16, read other Bible passages, and outlined in simple terms God’s plan of salvation. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans stood and moved forward when he gave an invitation. Countless faces were wet with tears of repentance. Perhaps heaven’s citizens stood and cheered as they watched this grand spectacle.
8/16/2010 0 Comments LenienceThank God we are not a heap of ashes! 1. Do you know people who believe the Old Testament God is exceedingly harsh and not the same New Testament God? 2. Have you ever done something so bad there was just no way you thought God would forgive you? 3. Do you know someone who has committed some disgusting sin and Christians will have nothing to do with that person despite his or her repentance?
10/17/2008 0 Comments Prayer Walk ReportMeditation
Ephesians 6:18—Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. Dear Readers, This Reveration I want to share something special—instead of a devotional, below is a first hand report written by David Joel, our Nigerian brother and recently appointed international leader for our Prayer Walks. I believe you will be blessed by his sharing just as our team is blessed. 5/1/2008 0 Comments AcceptableWhat thoughts crisscrossed King David’s mind when he penned Psalm 19? His language is deeply reflective. “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Psa.19:1). Creation testifies to the whole world God’s greatness (vs. 2-6). Moving on, he notes, “The instruction of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul” (vs. 7). David lauds God’s word for its marvelous qualities (vs. 8-11), and concludes, “In addition, Your servant is warned by them; there is great reward in keeping them” (vs. 11).
6/28/2007 0 Comments RestoringI am continuously amazed at how effectively Satan derails relationships among Christians through bad reports and conflict. Teams of people who functioned well in ministry become divided. Churches split. Friendships end often without either party working hard to find the source of the problem. How quickly we believe bad information about fellow believers without bothering to investigate the facts or appreciate the potential for misunderstanding. I realize why bad news sells newspapers—trouble is as attractive as a bug-zapper. But how sad it is that Christians so easily judge and condemn each other at the expense of God’s kingdom when we should be champions of forbearance.
11/17/2006 0 Comments LabelsCharles and I were having a great discussion when I asked him what would happen if a truck came around the bend at a high speed and accidentally struck and killed him? What would he say to God when the Lord asked him why He should let him into heaven? Charles said, “Well the operative answer would be that I believe in Jesus Christ and am sorry for my sins.”
5/22/1998 0 Comments ChoiceI grew up in a pornography-free environment. My parents love God and they made sure that we were raised in a house that allowed no such filth.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles