Reveration Blog
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12/6/2022 2 Comments The Best Message Never Preached
6/20/2022 1 Comment Honoring Our Elderly
4/13/2022 1 Comment Protecting Boundaries
12/31/2021 0 Comments Finding Stasis
3/22/2021 0 Comments Baal
3/31/2020 0 Comments Numbers
2/25/2020 0 Comments Apathy
10/9/2018 0 Comments HeartfeltCandy and I spent most of the morning writing back and forth about questions regarding the definition of Christians and evangelicals and current events that troubled her. While we may not have the same political leanings that does not prevent us from having honest and prolonged discussion. She ended our time with kind words and greetings to my family. Candy is one of the most warm-hearted persons I know and it is always a privilege to be around her.
7/11/2017 DisrespectMeditation
Luke 23:35-37—The people stood watching, and even the leaders kept scoffing: “He saved others; let Him save Himself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!” The soldiers also mocked Him. They came offering Him sour wind and said, “If you are the King of the Jews, save Yourself!” 6/8/2014 Learning from DisgraceDr. Myles Munroe wr0te in his book The Burden of Freedom, “When a lifestyle of irresponsibility is allowed to increase, the voice of conscience is progressively silenced . . . Conscience has died throughout much of the world’s society because we have inherited a spirit of irresponsibility.” Irresponsibility thrives when we fail to punish wrong behavior. But we also spur its existence by too quickly applying mercy without permitting disgrace. This may seem odd since the word disgrace carries such a negative connotation. This is why Scripture is profoundly important. Notice how God used disgrace to teach us a lesson.
3/1/2014 Don't Disrespect Your Mom!TK sat across from me in RN74 a restaurant on Mission Street in San Francisco after a great day at the RSA Conference in the Moscone Center. One of my favorite activities is hearing people talk about their passions. In between his bites of roast duck, TK shared how much he enjoyed coaching youth in lacrosse. Then he illustrated why by sharing how he once overheard a player mouthing off to his mother in a disrespectful manner. At the end of the practice, he called out the player and told him he would be running five extra laps around the field with him. Of course the player wondered why he was getting disciplined. After running, TK explained what he heard the player say to his mother and then told him that such behavior was intolerable and that when he saw her he was to apologize.
3/12/2012 Down to HadesMeditation
Luke 10:15—And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will go down to Hades! 5/8/2011 0 Comments The TongueCassidy sent out an email to her boss. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Grok Inc. cited several recent incidents that occurred and accused Konrad, a coworker and fellow executive, of harassing her and generally acting like a jerk. The boss was surprised because he had worked with Konrad for years and had never before received complaints like this about him or observed him to act in a way that was disrespectful to others. So he asked his CFO to call him. When she did, he questioned her as to what exactly Konrad had done. In the course of the conversation the boss realized that Cassidy was making several bad assumptions about her coworker. It especially galled him that she had not discussed her concerns with Konrad before sending him the negative report.*
10/30/2009 AuthlicismOften when I am driving on the road for long periods of time, I will tune in to listen to different radio talk shows. I have observed a pattern across the spectrum of those who claim to represent conservative America. Often they speak disrespectfully of politicians with statements like “he is an idiot” or “she is a moron.” They mockingly belittle the mental competency of their intended targets or accuse them of evil motives. Several of these hosts skillfully move between humor and anger and it is easy to be sucked into the emotion-charged airwaves.
10/13/2009 VoidHave you ever boycotted a product because its maker was associated with wrongdoing? A company that endorses corruption or whose reputation is tainted by sleazy actions will not last long. Reputation is not something to be taken lightly.
Meditation 1 Chronicles 5:1—These were the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel. He was the firstborn, but his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph son of Israel, because Rueben defiled his father’s bed. He is not listed in the genealogy according to birthright. 12/13/2007 0 Comments StagnationStinking water is a sign of death. A putrid pond occurs because there is no intake of fresh water, no stream or bubbling spring that pours in to replenish and invigorate. Soon algae proliferate until the oxygen necessary to sustain life is slowly choked out and brown slime wins the day.
9/6/2007 0 Comments RespectI was privileged recently to attend a gathering in San Antonio, Texas, of World War II veterans from the 104thTimberwolf Division. These venerable survivors gather each year to reminisce of war memories, catch up in recent events and celebrate each other along with any accompanying children affectionately known as “pups.”
6/16/2005 0 Comments Self-DenialIt must be difficult to be a professional basketball coach. It seems with each passing year that an increasing number of players are disrespectful to their coaches, referees, other players and the fans themselves. What should be a poetic team exercise of unselfish sportsmanship has turned into a circus of “I-isms” where a player’s attitude and action state, “It’s all about me.”
It must be difficult to be God. Daily He observes unruly, disrespectful children who seem more than willing to grieve His Spirit, ignore the commands of His Son and disdain His appointed leaders. What should be a marvelous demonstration of unity and fruit-bearing instead is the First Church of Me. 6/2/2005 CompetenceSarah is preparing to go on a missions trip to Cameroon, Africa for two months. Through the generosity of a company that sells footwear, she was given a pair of Danner boots made of leather and Gore-Tex. Gore-Tex is a durable substance that allows the skin to breathe yet is waterproof. Unfortunately, the directions from the mission organization were explicit that only all-leather boots were acceptable.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles