Reveration Blog
8/13/2023 0 Comments The Warrior is a Child
10/1/2021 0 Comments Not By Strength
8/25/2016 Growth MindsetCarol Dweck, in her book Mindset, characterizes people with the growth mindset as those who are willing to: embrace challenges; persist in the face of setbacks; see efforts as the path to mastery; learn from criticism; and, find lessons and inspiration from the success of others. Consequently, they reach “ever-higher levels of achievement.”[1]
8/14/2016 Fixed MindsetCarol Dweck, Ph.D, wrote a best-selling book that is insightful in evaluating the two different types of thinking that dramatically effect how people live their lives. The book is called Mindset. The first type of thinking that Carol examines is the fixed mindset. It stands in stark contrast to a growth mindset.
7/1/2005 MindsetGenerally speaking I love the color green, but in this case I’ll make an exception. I put a Koi pond in my backyard looking forward to spending time each day sitting by the pool to pray and enjoy watching beautiful fish grow. But I can no longer see the fish! Algae proliferates despite the fast current the pump creates. If I don’t do something drastic soon, the green goop will kill the fish, the mosquitoes will breed and I will coin a new word, pond·tif·i·cate, which mean “to hold opinions or judgments clouded by stale thinking.
3/25/2004 0 Comments Signs and WisdomMy son, Bryan and I were driving down a steep road when we encountered a peculiar sign. It said, “Caution—Hill Obscures View”. Well duh! We laughed at the great wisdom displayed! Maybe it’s the way my brain works, but that set me to thinking about signs and miracles. Does it seem like people are unimpressed with the obvious and bore easily today in an age where technology renders the sufficient obsolete?
10/4/2003 MemoryHave you ever walked up to someone, introduced yourself, listened to the other person’s name and then promptly forgotten it? I hate it when that happens! Kevin Trudeau has a course called Mega Memory. I listened to his tapes during my thirteen-hour drive to Fort Hunter Liggett, California. My intent was to improve my memory (especially for names), so I listened to the tapes I’d heard before but forgotten.
5/21/2001 CrystallizeWhen we think of crystals we usually think of beautiful clear objects. The process of crystallizing according to The American Heritage Dictionary means “to take on a definite, precise, and usually permanent form.”
9/27/1998 MindThe military has a formal practice known as “Inspection in Ranks” where a commander examines each soldier standing at attention in formation. I never enjoyed these reviews if I was the inspectee. The long period of sustaining a rigid posture only made my back and thighs ache. Yet, I did learn some interesting lessons. Formal inspections serve a necessary purpose but they do not always give a commander an accurate assessment of a soldier. A warrior may look good in uniform but be incompetent in battle.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles