Reveration Blog
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3/26/2019 0 Comments FrustrationHave you ever been frustrated by something that should work and doesn’t? For the last several months I’ve had a rotten time trying to charge my phone. I purchased several charging cords but the connection always seemed to be an issue to the point where many times I would have to hold the phone and firmly push the cord to get a steady charge. I was just about to take the phone into the store and replace it when I had an idea. Taking a pin I probed the cavity where the cord connected and immediately all kinds of dirt and matted hair began to come loose. Honestly, I felt pretty foolish—no wonder the phone was not properly charging—it was plugged up with debris. 6/23/2009 0 Comments MeddlingI met Russ in the Joint Reserves Officer Course we are both taking. We went to church on Sunday and had lunch together—both missing our families on Father’s Day. Russ is a Captain in the Navy and a Delta pilot. He and I found we shared many things in common. Our time fellowshipping was quite enjoyable.
2/2/2002 0 Comments InstitutionsMy brother, Nate, recently wrote while at the border of Hungary and Ukraine:
We are held up here at the border because they have to change all the wheels on the train. The Russian rails are built wider than European rails. Apparently the Russians after WWI decided that it would be in their interest to have a different rail system as it made an invasion more difficult. Paranoid? Maybe not. It was one of the reasons why Hitler had such a tough time advancing into Russia. Now, it is an economic headache that adds time and money to all imports and exports. 4/29/1998 0 Comments WisdomI get the “heevy-jeevies” whenever I walk into an antique store or specialty shop with my children. When the manager hangs signs next to items that say, “Do not touch,” or “If you break this you pay for it,” one can always count on the fact that those are precisely the first items kids will grab. Now to be fair to my children, they have never broken anything in a store. Still, one can never be too careful.
11/27/1997 0 Comments Junior Holy SpiritsMeditation
Romans 14:10-12--But you, why do you criticize your brother? Or you, why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the tribunal of God. For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God. So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. |
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles