Reveration Blog
8/3/2022 0 Comments Vines and Thorns
9/4/2021 0 Comments Parable of the Sack
12/24/2019 1 Comment Johnny's Christmas
7/12/2018 0 Comments Lost PhoneStephen and I finished a bike ride and run workout on the Air Force Academy. We loaded our bikes on the back of the truck and headed home. But when we got there I couldn’t find my cell phone. I quickly realized that I had placed it on the back of the truck by the license plate and drove off without securing it. A hundred “O no!” thoughts flashed through my mind. About to take off on an international trip to Africa, it would be a disaster not to have my phone. While most of the phone memory was backed up on my computer, it would still be a major setback and financial hit to lose that stellar black piece of technology.
5/11/2018 0 Comments DisasterJess and Jen moved into Rarebucks, a town of 79,000, so Jen could pursue schooling and Jess could work for United Parcel Service (UPS). They didn’t have a lot of money but they did have the faith that God had called them to live there and that He would provide. Sure enough, a favorite uncle gifted Jen with $50,000 and they were able to afford a 20% down payment on a home. Though they were seven hours from both sets of parents, they were happy to put down roots and start a family.
6/20/2015 0 Comments When There are Many WordsLoquacy ran up the red winding trail as fast as his four little legs would take him. He did not stop until he reached the wide brown mound where Sage lived. The old wolf sat above the entrance and looked curiously as Loquacy panted, trying to catch his breath.
“Help me Sage,” the young Chihuahua gasped. “I seem to have made a mistake and I don’t know what to do.” 9/25/2013 Parable of the Three SquirrelsAnimus looked down on the three squirrels and chortled. Next to scolding the dog the crow's favorite activity was teasing the nut-hoarders. "Hey Might--you think you are so strong and brave. I bet you can't drop a plum on Saber's head." Might bristled at the dare. As the largest and most powerful in his family, he took pride in his feats of strength. Now with September halfway gone, the purple fruit was fat and juicy and he was in truth sitting next to one of the largest plums on the whole tree. Directly below him with his permanent hunter stare, sat Saber, a large sheltie who absolutely loved chasing squirrels.
1/6/2012 0 Comments Ron's Phone ParableFour of us were enjoying an informal time of fellowship when the topic came up of how we identify with Christ around others. One of the men pulled out his cell phone and showed how it had an icon of Christ as his background photo. Ron said he had also had a picture representing Christ on his phone. He pulled it out to show us, but all we could see was icons of missed calls that blocked the picture underneath.
7/7/2006 0 Comments UnbeliefMeditation
Acts 2:12,13--They were all astounded and perplexed, saying to one another, “What could this be?” But some sneered and said, “They’re full of new wine!” 4/21/2006 ParablesOnce there was a man who talked incessantly on the cell phone wherever he drove. Once in the phone zone he was oblivious to his surroundings. So on February 29 he missed his wife waving from her red car with a flat tire. Nor did he realize the bump on the road was a Siamese cat he ran over, the favorite pet of an autistic child. He nodded “yes” to the words of his backseat son who told him he thought he should turn right at the light. Not really listening he continued straight ahead. Later he broke his boy’s heart when he yelled at him for letting him get lost. He won a coveted contract but missed the ballgame.
3/18/2005 Communion (Lord's Supper)It was a fairly normal day and I was on my way home driving busy I-70. As is my habit, I turned on the radio. The news had just come on and there was a little blurb about an entire village in India wiped out by some unknown pathogen. Doctors were dispatched from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)in Atlanta to investigate it.
11/5/2004 Fog“There is no sun,” the people cried. “Don’t talk to us about sun. Every day it is the same. We can see only so far in front, so far above and that’s the way it is. Life is a mist, soak it up. What we see is far more important than what we don’t see. What we believe is beyond us is of no consequence to what we experience. We do what we want to do and we want to be left alone. When we die we die and so it is better to live for whatever makes us happy.
7/16/2004 0 Comments NationOnce upon a time a young man, Foye, crossed the ocean to explore Vacuities the world’s most powerful nation. Everywhere he went he met a myriad of people moving from city to city, looking for meaning. Inside a harbor graced by a noble statue, he first encountered the City of Results. But for all the accomplishments the city boasted he constantly met people disappointed that their goals brought no lasting satisfaction. It was like they worked and worked, but for what? Traveling inland, he spent time in the City of Retirement—a most sought after destination. Yet, here he discovered that there was little to live for among those entranced with ease, so most just died.
Once upon a time a man and woman lived off Dutch Canyon Road in Scappoose. They had six children all of whom were in their 20’s. The father was a wealthy man, well beloved in his community, but terminally-ill with cancer. One day while reason still lingered, he asked his beloved wife to invite their children for dinner and an important announcement. Curious and concerned they all came.
10/3/2002 Knowing God II--Kaka and ApotheoOnce upon a time two young boys Apotheo and Popinjay lived in a small village near the foot of giant mountain. One day while the ten-year olds fished by a blue stream, a large carriage came down the road and stopped near them. A man climbed out and walked down to them.
“Have you any caught anything,” he asked. “No,” Popinjay answered. “Would you like to fish?” Apotheo asked him. “Why certainly!” So the small boy offered him his pole. 4/3/2002 0 Comments Second MileUnder the Keene Road overpass, he drove his dusty white Taurus. The yellow line on his left stretched endlessly. At mile marker 268, four crop dusters flew into view, their lazy formation zooming to the south. Green fields smelled of spring, even the headless metal torsos holding miles of telephone wires seemed alive.
7/6/2001 EmancipatedOnce upon a time, fireworks were created by a loving Creator. But alas, the first two fireworks made were deceived by their Designer’s enemy into believing they could perform as equals to their Maker. Their rebelliousness tainted every succeeding generation of firework with a “My pop’s bigger than your pop!” mentality.
8/8/2000 0 Comments LazinessMeditation
Proverbs 6:9-11--How long will you stay in bed, you slacker? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, and your poverty will come like a robber, your need, like a bandit. 7/2/1999 0 Comments RedemptionCaleb’s head sunk in agony. On the splintered beams of a weathered deck stood the only life left that really mattered—his daughter. And now she was to be sold into slavery—auctioned off like some four-legged beast of burden.
10/19/1998 0 Comments SuccessBruce Thielemann tells the story in Christus Imperator of a king long ago who organized a great race within his kingdom. All the young men in the land participated. A bag of gold was to be given to the winner, and the finish line was within the courtyard of the king's palace. During the race the runners were surprised to find in the middle of the road leading to the king's palace a great pile of rocks and stones. But they managed to scramble over it or to run around it and eventually to come to the courtyard.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles