Reveration Blog
12/10/2011 0 Comments RevealerCuriosity is a powerful thing. If you are in a group and happen to notice two people whispering to each other don’t you have an urge to know what they are saying? We don’t typically like it when people keep from us secrets. Nor do we appreciate it when those who are in charge withhold information we would like to know. I remember the stress on Matt and Angie, our neighbors, when Nike was getting ready to lay off hundreds of employees. For weeks they were in suspense as to whether they would keep their jobs. Fortunately they both did, but the stress of not knowing weighed heavily on them. Meditation
Amos 3:7; 4:13—Indeed, the LORD GOD does nothing without revealing His counsel to His servants the prophets . . . He is here: the One who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to a man, the One who makes the dawn out of darkness and strides on the heights of the earth. Yahweh, the God of Hosts, is His name. Amos was a shepherd from the town of Tekoa which was about twelve miles from Jerusalem. God gave Him many visions and burdened him to share what He revealed with the Israelites living to the north of the land of Judah. We don’t know much about Amos other than that he prophesied during the reigns of Israel’ s King Jeroboam II (782-753 B.C.) and Judah’s King Uzziah (767-740 B.C.). The fact that God called a sheep breeder to proclaim His message is profound in many ways. First, who more than a shepherd would relate simply to other people with plain and easily understood speech? We fuss about the technique, style, or preciseness of communication but what God is looking for is understanding. Second, that God would divulge His plan to a common man and not the king or someone wealthy or powerful suggests that His intent was for all of Israel to receive His warnings. Amos reminds us of God’s power and invokes His most sacred Name—Yahweh. This is important if for no other reason than it gives us confidence that the Revealer is completely credible and worthy of trust. Do you believe that God loves you and wants to reveal His thoughts to you? If you will but stop your frenetic activity and make the time to be quiet and to ask Him for His thoughts you will be greatly surprised that He indeed will speak to you. It is when I go to Him humbly, and inquire from a genuine heart that I often hear His voice. He speaks to my thoughts and touches my heart. It is exhilarating when God speaks for we instantly know He cares. He is the Revealer and that He would speak to us is awesome! Inspiration The Lord’s chief desire is to reveal Himself to you and, in order for Him to do that, He gives you abundant grace.—Jeanne Guyon in Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ ©2011 Daniel York ARR. Reveration is the weekly devotional ministry of First Cause. If you would like to receive these devotionals go to and click on the “Click here to receive weekly devotionals” box. Unlimited permission to copy this devotional without altering text or profiteering is allowed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Ecclesiastes 12:10-The Teacher sought to find delightful sayings and to accurately write words of truth. (Holman CSB)
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