Reveration Blog
9/18/2018 0 Comments Power of the WordJohn George graduated into heaven recently. He was a man for whom I will eternally be grateful. At a time when I was a cocky senior at West Point, he accurately confronted me about pride and forever changed my life. John knew that the Bible warns us in Proverbs 16:18 that “Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.” His exhortation scared me to death that God would not use me for His kingdom. Decades later when I began writing books, John served as my editor and his work was superb. After a devotional was published John continued to faithfully read through them year after year. Not only would he find mistakes to correct, he also would render suggestions to improve the entries. But that was not all he did. While I served as a general officer for the Army Reserves, he yearly asked me to provide him with an updated calendar so he could specifically pray for me each day. What a blessing to know that he was faithfully covering me in prayer. Incredibly, as John faced death under hospice care, he published a book entitled The Joy of Abiding. It was his final inspired effort to help Christians grow in their walk with God.
Meditation John 16:1—I have told you these things to keep you from stumbling. Throughout His three years of ministry, Jesus taught His disciples and followers how to walk with God. Jesus warned them of what they could expect after He left them. His intent was to prevent them from falling away from trusting His Father when they suffered through persecution. Divine words have incalculable worth. Because God loves us, He gives us the words that we need to successfully negotiate life! Do you know someone who is struggling or who has wandered from the path of righteousness on a flesh-pleasing detour? If the Holy Spirit so leads you, share with that person words that will help them avoid stumbling. Don’t attack or criticize the person, simply point out the aberrant attitude or behavior. Offer the solution that pleases God. Then remind them that you love them and even more importantly, God loves them. That’s what John did for me. It’s what I hope I can do to help others. And it’s what you can do as well to make a difference for the glory of God. “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16,17). The power of the Word is for you and for me and for everyone alive on this struggling planet. Inspiration We must learn to tell ourselves the truth on the basis of God’s word, not on the basis of independent spiritual impulse.—Oswald Chambers in Not Knowing Where Growth in the Christian life occurs as the Christian matures through his study of God’s Word, abiding moment by moment with the Holy Spirit.—John George in The Joy of Abiding ©2018 Daniel York ARR. Reveration is the weekly devotional ministry of First Cause. If you would like to receive these devotionals go to and click on the “Click here to receive weekly devotionals” box. Unlimited permission to copy this devotional without altering text or profiteering is allowed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Ecclesiastes 12:10-The Teacher sought to find delightful sayings and to accurately write words of truth. (Holman CSB)
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