Reveration Blog
9/10/2002 0 Comments Ownership (Segadores)Our taxi leaves paved highway for a potholed dusty road. We meander across the brown desert surface towards the San Francisco barrio nestled among one of the treeless hills that ring the city of Lima. Patricia directs Carlos to the large blue gates that open to a compound owned by Segadores. Here for the next three days I will speak to men and women from the jungle, Peruvian cities, and distant nations whose hearts all beat with the desire to reach 16 unreached Peruvian tribes with the life-changing news of Jesus Christ. We meet in an unfinished concrete building. Two stories stand in what Director Peter Hocking hopes will one day be a four-story structure equipped for lodging, a library, a training institute, and place for worship and fellowship. Already Segadores ministers to well-over a hundred children in the immediate neighborhood.
Arturo, from Venezuela, picks up his guitar and brings us into the Lord's presence. Adina closes her eyes and adds her Spanish words of adoration. This professor fluent in four languages came from Romania to serve in the jungle. Around the room I glance at a myriad of faces each with its own special story. If contact is made with an unreached tribe there are Peruvians in this room prepared to leave everything in order to live among them. Their concept of evangelism takes sharing to a deeper level than most of us will ever experience. They are literally willing to lose their lives to bring the gospel to tribes who have never heard the name of Jesus. Just recently, God spared one of them from an unreleased arrow aimed at his back. To own Jesus' command to go out and make disciples requires a willingness to live under His unseen protection. Ruth left Moab to accompany her mother-in-law to the foreign land of Israel. She made Naomi's God, her God. Because of her noble character and willingness to leave her homeland the Lord made her part of the lineage from which Jesus would descend. God honors us when we make His will our own. His rewards are great. I am blessed to see His hand at work among His people and to know that same hand cares for me. Something to think about . . . in reveration. Meditation Ruth 2:12--May the Lord reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge. Inspiration The instinct of ownership is a right one, though the disposition expressed through it may be wrong. In a saint the idea of ownership is that we have the power to glorify God by good works (see Matthew 5:16). What we own is the honour of Jesus Christ.—Oswald Chambers in The Moral Foundations of Life ©1997 Daniel York ARR. Reveration is the weekly devotional ministry of First Cause. If you would like to receive these devotionals go to and click on the “Click here to receive weekly devotionals” box. Unlimited permission to copy this devotional without altering text or profiteering is allowed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Ecclesiastes 12:10-The Teacher sought to find delightful sayings and to accurately write words of truth. (Holman CSB)
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Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles