Reveration Blog
12/16/2021 0 Comments Nahum--Pronouncing God's Vengeance
Nahum 2:13—Beware, I am against you. This is the declaration of the LORD of Hosts. I will make your chariots go up in smoke and the sword will devour your young lions. I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the sound of your messengers will never be heard again. Nahum in Hebrew means comfort—and that’s what Judah would experience when their oppressors were eliminated. The Assyrians were notorious for their cruelty—dashing Egyptian children to pieces, ripping pregnant women open, flaying captive kings alive and papering city walls with their skin. Their rulers openly bragged about their atrocities. God promised they in turn would be treated badly and exiled in the manner they exiled those they conquered. Nineveh fell and was destroyed in 612 B.C. by the Babylonians and Medes. This small book of three chapters reveals the power of a just God while offering hope to the despised and downtrodden. Nahum teaches us that we can trust God even when we think there is no help to be had. “The LORD is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; He cares for those who take refuge in Him” (1:7). History is full of examples of tyrannical nations who rained pain and perfected tormenting as part of their methodology in defeating their enemies. Does this mean that God is helpless, an uncaring bystander, or celebrant of evil? No! An eternity times no! Tyranny is the poisonous fruit that emerges from the seed of sin. It advances exponentially as mankind refuses to obey God or even believe He exists. God allows people to rebel but that does not mean there will not be consequences or judgment. Assyria found this out the hard way—as does every evil empire eventually. It is always better to heed the words of Jonah and receive God’s mercy than reject the words of Nahum and be punished. Inspiration If we hate the wrath of God, it is because we hate God Himself.—RC Sproul in The Holiness of God ©2021 Daniel York ARR. Reveration is the weekly devotional ministry of First Cause. If you would like to receive these devotionals go to and click on the “Click here to receive weekly devotionals” box. Unlimited permission to copy this devotional without altering text or profiteering is allowed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Ecclesiastes 12:10-The Teacher sought to find delightful sayings and to accurately write words of truth. (Holman CSB) [1] Information about Nineveh, Assyria, and Nahum are taken from HCSB Study Bible, 2010, pp. 1537,1538.
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