Reveration Blog
4/23/2016 0 Comments Here is a Great QuestionOften each week I focus time in prayer for my family. Specifically, I ask that every one of my children, grandchildren and nieces and nephews would faithfully walk with God and that they would have a deep love for Him. I am thankful that my parents pray the same thing for me! Living for God is never something we can take for granted. The reality, as you already know, is that we live in a temptation-laced world. Our wills constantly grapple with God’s will. So easily we can be enticed to embrace, chase, proclaim and invite into our lives earth’s delicacies that look appealing, yet leave us sick and empty. How many people wander away from God simply because no one is praying for them? Meditation
Judges 13:12—Then Manoah asked, “When Your words come true, what will the boy’s responsibilities and mission be?” The story of Samson in the book of Judges is an amazing account of God creating a boy to be a judge and rescuer of Israel during a time when the Philistines oppressed them. One of God’s angels appeared to a woman who was unable to conceive and informed her that she would have a son. Samson could never drink wine or beer, eat anything unclean, or cut his hair because he was to be a consecrated Nazirite to God. Manoah prayed and asked God to send the messenger back to teach them what they should do for their son once he was born. The Lord answered his request and the angel returned. Then Manoah asked him the question in the meditation above. God did not tell Manoah that Samson would be the strongest man who ever lived. His supernatural power was legendary. And while there is much to learn about Samson and his life, what I appreciate is the example Manoah and his unnamed wife provide for us. First, they sincerely believed God as evidenced by the phrase, “When your words come true.” Second, they asked a question we would do well to ask. I don’t remember asking this for my children so now I will ask for my grandchildren. Lord, what is your mission for Jadon? What responsibilities should he uphold? Lord, what is your mission for Leili? What would you have her do? Lord, what is your mission for Simeon? Direct him as he follows You. King David wrote, “My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began” (Psalm 139:15,16). God has a plan for our lives! Wouldn’t it be nice to know it? Thomas à Kempis said that,“Life without a purpose is a languid, drifting thing.” Perhaps too often purposeless living is directly correlated to ask-less living. I believe now is a great time to ask! Inspiration Providence . . . penetrates and fills the whole compass of the relations of man with his Maker. It connects the unseen God with the visible creation, and the visible creation with the work of redemption, and redemption with personal salvation, and personal salvation with the end of all things. It carries our thoughts back to the supreme purpose which was in the beginning with God, and forward to the foreseen end and consummation of all things, while it includes between these the whole infinite variety of the dealings of God with man.”—W. B. Pope in Compendium of Christian Theology ©2016 Daniel York ARR. Reveration is the weekly devotional ministry of First Cause. If you would like to receive these devotionals go to and click on the “Click here to receive weekly devotionals” box. Unlimited permission to copy this devotional without altering text or profiteering is allowed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Ecclesiastes 12:10-The Teacher sought to find delightful sayings and to accurately write words of truth. (Holman CSB)
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