Reveration Blog
2/21/2006 ComprehensionRecently, I took our fellowship and divided it into groups and gave them an exercise that involved completing as many of the tasks mentioned below in one hour. Afterwards we all gathered together to share what we learned. The point of the exercise was to test them in the seven listed categories. Sharing took place within each group and corporately. It was neat to see what they learned/experienced. Our spiritual comprehension is critical to our witness, our growth and our understanding of God. Perhaps this might be of value to you or to a group of fellow believers you know The Road Home Rally
1. Fellowship—write down three spiritual lessons you learned this past week and why they are important for us to understand. 2. Witnessing Drama Sketch: (5 minutes) a. Create a drama sketch that illustrates sharing the gospel with a classmate at school. OR b. Create a drama sketch that illustrates sharing the gospel with someone who just lost a close relative. c. Have one person share a three minute testimony that explains: life before knowing Jesus, how they came to know Christ and what it is like now that they follow Him. 3. Worship: Pick and lead one song for everyone to sing 4. Bible Scripture Memory: Memorize as a group Psalm 25:4,5 Scripture Quiz a. Find two musical instruments mentioned in Psalms (Group leader teach your group how to use a concordance) b. List three of the ten commandments and cite where they are found in the Bible. c. Why was God angry with King Manasseh of Judah? (Hint: Look in 2 Kings) d. What was Nehemiah’s brother’s name, what city did Nehemiah put him in charge of and why did he choose him as well as Hananiah? e. What promise did Job make in chapter 31 of Job and what can we learn from his example? f. List three passages in Isaiah that foretell the coming of Jesus g. What King was so angry that he threw 3 men in a furnace? What were the names of the 3 victims? h. Which gospel account tells the story of a man who was an invalid for 38 years and Jesus found lying beside a pool? (Cite the chapter and verses) i. Name at least five men who accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys. j. What NT letter was written to a slave owner? 5. Prayer a. List five things you would like to praise God for b. List the names of five people that do not know Jesus to pray for c. Share three things your group would like prayer for 6. Service/Counseling: What two resources could you use for helping someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. 7. Apologetics: a. How would you answer someone from Scripture who says there are many ways to get to heaven? b. How would you defend your faith against someone one says there are no absolutes? c. What verse in the NT tells us to always be prepared to give an answer for the reason for what we believe? Meditation James 1:4--But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. Inspiration There is all the difference between the comprehension of intellect and the comprehension of spirit. We comprehend a thing by our spirit and feel we know it but cannot express it; it is a knowledge “which surpasses all understanding.”—Oswald Chambers in Bringing Sons Into Glory ©2006 Daniel York ARR. Reveration is the weekly devotional ministry of First Cause. If you would like to receive these devotionals go to and click on the “Click here to receive weekly devotionals” box. Unlimited permission to copy this devotional without altering text or profiteering is allowed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Ecclesiastes 12:10-The Teacher sought to find delightful sayings and to accurately write words of truth. (Holman CSB) Comments are closed.
Photo from Rachel Maxey Miles