The Weak Leader's Fist
O Contraitor--The Hand That Won’t Let Go
Define the term! Controller + Dictator = Traitor or one who betrays his people and the organization
“Search the organization for an alert, aggressive, gifted young man who could someday step into my shoes. And when you find him, fire him!”—Memo from a Company President from Leaders Who Last by Dave Kraft
Illustration: “Jakob—the Toxic Leader!”
O Self-Centered. Thumb points to chest.
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.—Benjamin Franklin..
Kenyan Proverb: A satisfied man does not know another one is hungry.
Meaning: You may not understand what others are going through unless you've been there.
Illustration: John George confronts me for Pride
O Corrupt. (Being—Illegal, Immoral, Unethical)
A warrior without character is merely a brute.—Stu Weber in Spirit Warriors
Confucius said, “To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice.”
Illustration: Full Spectrum—Swindling Platoon Sergeant; TIG’s warning to us as junior GOs.
O Critical.
Kouzes and Posner claim the most common reason for employees leaving their companies is that their leaders gave limited praise and recognition for their efforts.—Henry & Richard Blackaby in Spiritual Leadership
Across the board, we seem wired to focus on the negative.—Chip Heath & Dan Heath in Switch
Illustration: Roger checking odometers
O Incompetent. .
A leader who says “I’ve got ten priorities” doesn’t know what he’s talking about—he doesn’t know himself what the most important things are.—Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan in Execution
Conflict aversion is the organizational bubonic plague of our times. It is cowardice wearing a smart, poli tically correct hat.—Gus Lee in Courage
Illustration: Taking the Hill!—Dad’s Silver Star
O Dogmatic Stuck on Stupid!—Gen. Honore The Refusal to Learn
Illustration: How many of you have heard of Neem? The Medical Profession’s Aversion to
The studies agree with the anecdotal evidence and thousands of years of traditional use. Neem can...
- prevent and heal gum disease,
- prevent cavities,
- eliminate bacteria that cause cavities and inflammation of the gums,
- prevent bacteria from adhering to your teeth (reduce plaque),
- enhance mouth immunity in general,
- and through all this freshen the breath.
Interesting Neem Toothpaste Fact: Did You know?
The researchers used mainly neem leaf powders and extracts in their research. Interestingly the neem leaf is not even the most effective neem product for dental care purposes, it's the neem bark (hence the chewing of neem twigs).
But manufacturers don't want to use bark in a toothpaste, because that would make it brown. And the public isn't educated enough to accept such a product. It needs to look right, too...
If you do have a serious problem with gum disease, it may pay to look around for neem products containing the bark.
Naturopathic Medicine
The claims made about neem hold up under scientific scrutiny. Neem oil works.
The bark, leaves and oil of the neem tree have been used in India for several thousand years, and are still used today.
About 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain some form of neem! Indians call the sacred neem tree "the village pharmacy", and have limitless faith in its abilities.
People value neem as a natural insect repellent and pesticide, they use it for skin care and skin disorders, and many also take neem leaves internally.
Neem oil is used on humans, on animals, and on plants, for a huge range of different problems and diseases.
These are not just folk tales. Neem is the most heavily researched herbal remedy in India.